Thursday, June 30, 2011


So yesterday blogger wasn't working for me -- don't blame me!

Tonight, I got off work, went home, and changed into some more comfortable (aka less hot) clothes.  I then went to my friend's house, with another friend, and she made a DELICIOUS dinner.  Lots of watermelon, grapes and jicama, manicotti, salad, and garlic bread.  We also all tried Muscovado white wine for the first time (I mixed mine with some Sprite) and it was amazing.  Have you ever tried that kind of wine?

This weekend might be sparse on posts, but sure to be full of activities to write about next week.  I think Jake is coming down, and we are either hanging out in Boise a bit, or heading for a relaxing weekend in Garden Valley.

I am really tired and hoping I sleep better tonight than I have been lately...

Tomorrow for a birthday lunch at work, we get to go back to that restaurant I wrote about, Tucano's (the Brazilian all-you-can-eat place where they bring different meats around to your table).  It should be delicious and really fun with about fifteen of us!

I also am going to try and check out The Modern Bar and an improv comedy show after work, but you know things never turn out quite how I have them planned...

Last night we went to Shige Sushi Happy Hour and it was awesome!  Wednesday-Saturday, 5-7 pm they have dollar per plate sushi.  They come around on these cute little boats you see below.  I was SUPER full and it cost $4.24 and a $1 tip.  Such a great deal.  I would recommend only going with a few people because the area is pretty small.  We were at the "Express" part.  The nicer tables you see down below, out on the deck, are at the bar/lounge part.  I want to go back and try a saketini!

And here is a picture from the back door at the house in Garden Valley.  Can you guess why I like going there??


Tanya said...

Oooohhh, sushi! I haven't had that since we lived back in Enumclaw. No good sushi around here! Hope you have a fun 4th of July. Crazy to think it's already been a year since you came to hang out with us.

Kelsey said... need to find good sushi in Clarkston! I know some people are sketched out about eating sushi in Idaho though. It doesn't bother me. Red Bento is a fairly new restaurant in Moscow, and it is really popular. Pretty affordable and they have a sushi menu as well as a teriyaki type menu. Hope your fourth was awesome -- last year was amazing :)