Today, a group of my friends and I are heading up to Bogus Basin.
My friends are very excited for snow. I am not. I don't think I have ever gone skiing without my Dad (maybe once or twice?). We ALWAYS went with my Dad and it just seems like a fun family activity to me, rather than a friend activity. It would be like celebrating Christmas with a group of friends and without your family. It just doesn't feel right. Not to mention always skiing with Dad means never having to pay for a pass! Now that I have to pay for myself, skiing is even less appealing.
My current excuse for not skiing is I don't have my skis and I don't want to rent skis when I already have some. However, I haven't tried my skis on in four years, so we will see how they fit when they finally get them.
Today I am accompanying another non-ski/board friend whose husband is part of the group boarding. We are going to check out the lodge and pretend to be snow bunnies while the rest of them ski. I am interested to see how Bogus compares to Crystal.
Everyone is excited the mountain is open finally (it took until about now, January, for it to open) but the base only has 47" of snow, which I don't think is very much. In comparison, Crystal Mountain currently has a full foot more of snow (59") at the base.
If you asked me yesterday, I would have sworn Crystal was open something like 7:00 am - 9:00 pm and Idaho was a bunch of babies for only being open 9:00 am - 4:30 pm. However, I just looked it up and apparently Crystal is only open 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. How can that be?! I swear we used to wake up at the crack of dawn and come home much later than four....I guess maybe we took the last lift up at four, then had to come all the way down, take off our gear, wait for the shuttle, and fight traffic back.
Ha! That is so funny about how important things are (or aren't) when you have to pay on your own, lol!!! And, just another note, you guys rarely left before 9 and mostly closer to 10 and yes you left promptly at 4 cuz you were always home at 5 with dinner waiting for you...Glad you had fun being a ski bunny!
Geez I cannot believe that!! It seemed like we left at the crack of down and came home soooo late!
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